Laurent Karoubi
Hypnotherapist, EFT and EMDR Practitioner

10 rue Parmentier 06100 Nice

5 rue Gudin, 75016 Paris 16
07 56 86 67 85
Laurent Karoubi

Specialised in brief therapy, emotional decoding and emotional dependency

Hypnotherapist, EFT and EMDR Practitioner

Which brief therapy to choose?

In life, focus only on what you want!

Although the techniques used such as hypnosis, EFT and EMDR are all equally effective, it is up to the practitioner (in your session) to choose the brief therapy technique that is best suited to your needs. emotional decoding The practitioner therefore has several "tools" at his disposal to carry out your brief therapy. During my sessions, I often find that many people are not specific enough in their objectives or in what they want from the practitioner. 

The therapist is there to hear and understand your objective. He or she must put all his or her knowledge at your disposal and apply the therapy technique that suits you. No matter which brief therapy technique you choose with the practitioner, you can be sure that it is the right one. Your body automatically reacts to the right technique. It is the indicator.

Always listen to your body, it knows your needs at the time and your different problems to solve. It is more interesting in my opinion to cleanse deeply all of your emotions at the root. To do this, the method of Inner Peace Protocol In order to do this, the EFT method is the most adapted brief therapy method because it will definitively uproot all your blocks and repressed emotions. 

The importance of being ultra precise!

Unlike the long therapythe important thing to choose brief therapy to apply during your session is to be precise about what is bothering you in the present moment, the moment of Now». The practitioner must understand and perceive what is hurting you, blocking you and preventing you from moving forward. It is quite possible for the practitioner to use several brief therapy techniques for the same problem and therefore to use several brief therapies for the same subject. The important thing is to be precise about the objective(s) you wish to achieve in the near future (whether it is to remove emotional blockages or to alleviate physical pain) and of course to trust the practitioner who accompanies you in this brief therapy.

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