Laurent Karoubi
Hypnotherapist, EFT and EMDR Practitioner

10 rue Parmentier 06100 Nice

5 rue Gudin, 75016 Paris 16
07 56 86 67 85
Laurent Karoubi

Specialised in brief therapy, emotional decoding and emotional dependency

Hypnotherapist, EFT and EMDR Practitioner

The hypnosis, EMDR and EFT session with Laurent Karoubi

Course of the session

After you have made an appointment, indicating the reason for the consultation, I will receive you in one of my two offices in Paris 16 th or in Nice as well as in a session on Skype. During your first session, we will talk about your objective, your problem, whether physical or emotional. I will learn to discover you as a whole and ask you many questions in order to become familiar with the messages of your body and the words you speak. I will be able to put together the puzzle of your unconscious functioning and detect the patterns that you have been repeating since your childhood and that are blocking you in your life today.

Practice and above all results!

I will then apply the techniques of brief therapies I will then apply the techniques I practice (Hypnosis, EFT and EMDR) so that from the first session you will already feel a significant improvement. 

The practice in my sessions is crucial. Things in your life will change quickly and sustainably. This is the whole principle of brief therapy and emotional decoding.  

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