Laurent Karoubi
Hypnotherapist, EFT and EMDR Practitioner

10 rue Parmentier 06100 Nice

5 rue Gudin, 75016 Paris 16
07 56 86 67 85
Laurent Karoubi

Specialised in brief therapy, emotional decoding and emotional dependency

Hypnotherapist, EFT and EMDR Practitioner

The power of Action, the importance of the Now

The past is like a black hole, if you get too close, you disappear!

Action plays a vital role in our lives as action will balance and harmonise our words and thoughts. Remember that everything works in the present moment and in threes: Thought, Word, Action.

As the creator of your life, you cannot manifest anything without action. When you are in pain, fear and anxiety, you are simply not in the present moment. Your mind has wandered into your past, probably looking for happier memories or a future that stresses you. The feelings, emotions and symptoms that your body manifests will instantly bring this confirmation.

You feel bad, because you have left the present moment! Action and emotional decoding will allow you to return to the moment of the moment in one fell swoop.


The importance of controlling your thoughts!

Researchers have shown that our minds give out between 60,000 and 77,000 thoughts a day. I don't know if you can imagine what this represents. But for the most active, we perform 50,000 conscious actions per day. It is therefore essential to control your conscious thoughts as well as your actions.
The more you act, the more your body will remove all the pain and harmful emotions that your bad thoughts create.

 This is what the brief therapy and emotional decoding

Take action and practice exercises to balance your harmful thoughts and words and be sure to always create and achieve through the law of attractionWhat you desire, in order to obtain precise, fast and lasting results

EFT, hypnosis and EMDR are the most suitable techniques to come back to the present moment. EFT allows you to be autonomous. The more you practice, the better you will feel. This is the only goal in life.

Do everything to : 


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