Laurent Karoubi
Hypnotherapist, EFT and EMDR Practitioner

10 rue Parmentier 06100 Nice

5 rue Gudin, 75016 Paris 16
07 56 86 67 85
Laurent Karoubi

Specialised in brief therapy, emotional decoding and emotional dependency

Hypnotherapist, EFT and EMDR Practitioner

Make an appointment for a hypnosis, EFT and EMDR session with Laurent Karoubi

Make an appointment with Laurent Karoubi, hypnotherapist

Hypnosis,EFT andEMDR consultations last 60 minutes and cost €100.


Ahypnosis orEFT stop smoking consultation (only one session required) lasts 90 minutes and costs €170.

Appointment Form

Paris 16

5 rue Gudin
75016 Paris 16


10 rue Parmentier
06100 Nice

07 56 86 67 85

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Consultation in the office

Office of Paris 16
5 rue Gudin
75016 Paris
Tel : 0756866785

Nice office
10 rue Parmentier
06100 Nice
Tel: 0756866785

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