Laurent Karoubi
Hypnotherapist, EFT and EMDR Practitioner

10 rue Parmentier 06100 Nice

5 rue Gudin, 75016 Paris 16
07 56 86 67 85
Laurent Karoubi

Specialised in brief therapy, emotional decoding and emotional dependency

Hypnotherapist, EFT and EMDR Practitioner

EMDR near Meudon (92190-92360)

EMDR practitioner near Meudon

I am an EMDR practitioner in Paris 16, I welcome in my office or I consult in a practice in the 16th district and in a practice in Charenton all types of patients: teenagers, adults or seniors. I have been practising EFT, EMDR and hypnosis for 9 years.

The practice of EMDR regulates the general balance of the body. TheEMDR technique dissipates disorders and tensions.EMDR therapy offers a path of consciousness at the crossroads of the mind, body and heart.

It is best to contact me before coming.

Contact Laurent Karoubi , EMDR

Laurent Karoubi , EMDR in Meudon


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Laurent Karoubi , EMDR practitioner near Meudon

Your EMDR practitioner 's office is easily accessible from Vanves, Saint-Cloud, Paris 15, Suresnes, Boulogne-Billancourt or Puteaux for an EMDR consultation.

Located in the Île-de-France region and in the Hauts-de-Seine department, Meudon is a town with a population of 45058. The most populated city in the department is Boulogne-Billancourt.

Paris 16

5 rue Gudin
75016 Paris 16

07 56 86 67 85


10 rue Parmentier
06100 Nice

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